There are places I remember
All my life though some have changed
Some forever, not for better
Some have gone and some remain
All these places have their moments
With lovers and friends I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life I've loved them all.
I think it was the philosopher Heraclitus who said that our only constant is change. For those who hold having a "constant" with great importance, I guess change doesn't seem like much of one at all. In my life, it is the only thing I can be sure of and it's only a matter of being prepared for when the next big change will take place. Situations change, places changes, jobs change, relationships change… sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse and sometimes it can seem to be for the worse only to be revealed as a blessing in disguise later.
In 2008 I was married to wonderful man and life changed yet again for the better. With marriage come a lot of sacrifice and a certain “dying to self” that a lot of people don’t realize. Selfish people don’t have much chance of making it in marriage as just the act of joining into this bond requires a selflessness that one can only understand when they’ve been there. I can’t go out 2 or 3 times a week like my single friends, I can’t just spend money whenever I want, and to be honest most of the time I actually PREFER a nice quiet dinner at home on a Friday night. The truth is, the sacrifices one makes in marriage are so minimal when compared with the benefits of being part of the most sacred, special, and only human experience that comes close to Christ’s relationship with the church. Love is the greatest gift of all and I can’t express enough how grateful I am for it.
2011 is bringing forth the biggest change of my life! I am going to be a mother and with that realization I can only describe a huge balloon bouquet of emotions being held together by a single ribbon -- "peace". I half-know what to expect on my journey to motherhood and I half-have-no-idea! But much like marriage changed my life I expect this to completely change me as a wife, as a daughter, friend, and Christian. Slowly but surely, I have been chipping away through the forest and clearing my own path and it is “happy” to be on the path and “sad” to realize that not everyone is meant to walk this path with me. Nonetheless, I am excited for this New Year and ready (as I have always learned since childhood) to embrace change!
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