Thursday, January 17, 2013

One Month and they are not forgotten ...

20 Beautiful Babies and 6 Heroic Educators who lost their lives on December 14th 2012
I have been procrastinating, fighting myself, or whatever else you want to call it on writing this blog post. There is just so much out there already... so many opinions, so many emotions that this tragedy has caused and I honestly have not been able to find words that are any different or any more meaningful to share. I cannot believe it has already been one month... one month ago this senseless, horrible act took the lives of so many innocent children. Babies... it shakes me to the core and I don't think I will ever understand it.

There are so many debates going on politically and otherwise in the aftermath of this tragedy. Gun control, mental health, school safety... and trust me, I have opinions but for this purpose I don't think sharing them makes much difference. I pray to God that he would have a hand in our country's government and that he would impart wisdom to those officials involved in making decisions in these areas. I pray that God himself would intervene here and I pray that we never, ever, ever, have to experience a tragedy like this again.

I pray for all our babies... that God would keep them safe from harm and that we would never take a single precious moment we have with them for granted.

May God give strength to the families who lost so much on that day just one month ago.


PS - The parents of the victims have started an organization called "Sandy Hook Promise". If you haven't already, please sign up to take the pledge and donate to help this organization move forward and support the families in need.