Thursday, January 26, 2012

What NOT to Balance + Relationships & Emotions = Eternity

The second part of the "Balance" series at my church was in a word... overflowing?  I feel like part one was the top slice of bread on a very meaty, cheesy, flavorful sandwich. Ughh now I'm hungry - focus April!Anyway, I think that if any of the sermons will contain "April-isms" this one certainly did. My Pastor talked about Relationships AND Emotions in the same hour! It's funny because all I could keep thinking was "how am I going to blog my way through this?" You've had your warning, just bare with me here. The bible story we read was about Mary and her sister Martha -- Luke 10: 38-41

"As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made.

In this story, Mary and Martha are having a visit with Jesus. They could not be more different in their approach to making Jesus feel loved and valued in their home. Martha was running around preparing her home so that it would be perfect for Jesus' visit, while Mary was just sitting at his feet, listening and hanging on every word that he said. I totally think Martha was OCD but that is just a theory. Anyway, when reading about these two women, I can see pieces of myself in both of them and for different reasons. I love to have people come over and create a relaxing and fun environment for my guests. I usually clean up the house, put out snacks and light the scented candles. I am absolutely mortified if someone drops by unannounced because I did not  have time to prepare for their visit. In this, I can totally relate to Martha and why she was so adamant about making her home perfect for the Lord's visit. But then there is Mary ... 

Reading about her made me think back to when my husband (then, boyfriend) would come over to my house to visit. I lived at home with my mom and grandparents so we rarely ever got privacy and visits never seemed like they were long enough. When he would come over, I dropped everything to sit with him on the sofa and talk or watch a movie. Many times, a lot needed to be done around the house but I was just so happy to be with someone I loved... I wanted to soak up every minute we had before it was time for him to leave. I imagine Mary sitting there at the feet of Jesus and I think I can relate to her too.

What NOT to balance...
"God is not to be balanced"

Among the three people in this story, the first relationship here is the one between Mary and Jesus. He was obviously someone she loved (NO I am not getting all "Da Vincci Code" here) .. he was her teacher, the son of God, her soon to be savior and she valued every word that came out of his mouth. She gave all of who she was over in that moment to just soak up her time with Jesus. My pastor said it best - "Martha opened up her home to Jesus, but Mary opened up her heart."

In my constant search for balance, there is one thing that I don't need to balance... and that is my relationship with God. You see, I can't divide my life up into this perfectly sliced pie and make JESUS one of the slices. He is the pan that holds the whole pie together.. (doh!, there goes another food reference)  He is not to be balanced. I found such freedom in this and such comfort also.

... cont..."She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!”

"Effective communication and boundaries"

The next relationship in this story to look at is the one between Mary and Martha. Martha was obviously frustrated that Mary was not doing her share of the work and she made it clear when she complained to Jesus about it. So what was the problem with that? Martha was upset at Mary and instead of talking to Mary she talked to a third party about it. Boooooo Martha!! LOL

I have reacted exactly like Martha in moments when I am upset at a friend and let me tell you, it never, ever makes things better. There is so much about myself that I have been asking God to help me change and this is one of those things. Gossip is the kind of sin that sneaks up on you and once I share a frustration with another person (who is not the person I am frustrated with), a downward spiral ensues. In that same token, I have also been on Mary's side of things where someone who is mad at me, does not come to tell me but rather tells someone else about it...If I'm being honest, the latter tends to be more prevalent in my life for some reason... so, here's the problem with that -- it always comes back around and then I feel pretty darn crappy about it.  Why do we fall into this crazy cycle? It creates such imbalance in our relationships. Honesty and communication are so important. I would rather have a conversation that gets a little ugly, than have no conversation at all.

So here's what really spoke to me about all of this --- BOUNDARIES. My Pastor highlighted the fact that despite Martha's behavior, she did not allow herself to be swayed or manipulated because she established the appropriate boundaries... that is an area I really need to work on! I will admit that I tend to have an "approval addiction" and it is so difficult for me to deal with not being accepted by someone. It really comes with being more secure with myself and creating emotional boundaries. Relationships without boundaries are destined for imbalance. It is a truth that may be difficult to accept, but one that I am slowly  but surely learning.

...cont...“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things,

"Anger and Anxiousness"

What are the two main emotions that throw us off balance? Yep, anger and anxiousness. I experience a little of those probably too often and that is something I am committed to working on. The bible says "do not worry about tomorrow"... I mean, how much stress and heartache do we add on to our lives by worrying? My husband calls me "the worry-bug" and I am determined to change that for 2012!

but Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”


At the end of it all... eternity is in the balance. Mary's decision to open up her heart to Jesus was what I like to call an "eternity decision". It's so easy to get wrapped up in life and the many things we are facing on a daily basis. It's so easy to let eternity get lost in the shuffle... but as a Christian, what I am saying is - I am a follower of Jesus, this is what I believe and this is my goal for eternity..  maybe I need to stop focusing too much on all of my "life decisions" and start making some "eternity decisions".

Well, that was my take on Part Two. I am learning so much guys, and blogging through it is really helping me reflect. Thanks for reading.

BALANCE Ya'll!! =)

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