I'm so excited for my son to be born in the next two months... it is still kind of surreal that I am going to be a mother. Just to think that 4 years ago I met this man who would be my husband... we fell in love, got married and are now starting our very own family is the best feeling in the world. I've always been the maternal type, babysitting nearly all of my younger cousins at some point; I changed my first diaper at like 9 years old... it has been my grandest desire to be a wife and mother ... more than any other goal in my life it is this I have asked God to grant me. AND here we are :) I can't help but just GUSH about this new life inside of me because I feel so blessed.
With this blessing comes a lot to be nervous about too! I have been praying to God about certain "generational curses" that have affected my family as I add another branch to our family tree. I have seen too many of my loved ones fall to these simply because it is how we were raised. It hurts me even today to see certain family members struggle because they feel defined by the type of man their father was, a particular lifestyle or addiction, financial status, and even an illness. The body of Christ or "The Church" as many refer to it literally rests on the institution of family and when we allow the enemy to break apart our families, we allow him to break apart our body as believers. This is why the family unit is so important to be preserved and nurtured.
I thank God because since I was old enough to make the decision, I proposed in my heart to create my own legacy and fulfill the destiny I was meant to regardless of how I grew up. Up until today, God has been faithful! Though I come from a divorced home I was able to take the leap of faith and I am happily married, though addiction has plagued my family I can say that I have never even tried drugs, though education was not an option in past generations, I was the first in my family to graduate college.
God is faithful when we set our minds and CHOOSE to take accountability for our own lives. I pray that he gives me the strength to do this when raising my son as well. It is not always emotionally easy to break away from these generational curses... you can't change your family and you can't change the past. But you CAN determine your future! Even in the tough times when I am reminded that I don't have a father I can depend on, or when I have to witness the addiction struggles of someone dear to me... even in those times when all I can do is cry and feel sorry for myself - GOD reminds me that he is ever PRESENT in my life and HE DEFINES ME not the circumstances in my family. I can honestly and truly say that I am content... I have joy that surpasses understanding. Healing is happening and as the word says, I am confident that he who began his good work in me will carry it out to completion until the day I am joined to him for all eternity =) I won't be my father or my mother, I won't be anyone but the person I am destined to be!!
This song by Matthew West was recently played on one of my favorite TV shows and since hearing it, I feel like it is my anthem. Take a listen - the lyrics are included!
Blessed and in awe,